I met up with these girls the week of Thanksgiving to do a "Sisters Shoot" as a surprise for their parents for Christmas. They managed to sneak away for a couple of hours to meet me at Old Salem in Winston-Salem. This place is a photographer's dream!
(Click on photos to enlarge.)
Four beautiful girls!
Just monkeying around... (Yeah, I know... Bad joke...)
This building had absolutely gorgeous arches!

More sisterly love...

Sydney and Tori
Lilly and Erin

Havin' a little fun with the old water pump...
Thanks for allowing me to help you with your Christmas surprise!
Please leave comments about your favorite photo of this session, or about my blog in general. If 15 people leave comments within the next 3 days, (ending Saturday night), the girls will get a FREE 8x10 of their choice! Don't let them down!